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The Topos Institute Colloquium

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Zoom ID: 843-9252-3736 (password: the 5th Fermat prime)

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The Topos Institute Colloquium is an expository virtual talk series on topics relevant to the Topos mission and community. We usually meet over Zoom on Thursdays at 17:00 UTC, but this may vary depending on the speaker's time-zone. Talks are recorded, and remain available on our YouTube channel.

If you wish to be subscribed to the mailing list, then simply send an email to seminars+subscribe@topos.institute. For any queries about the colloquium, contact tim+colloquium@topos.institute.


The colloquium centres around following four themes, with many talks fitting multiple themes.

Previous talks

To see the talks from previous years, use the links to the archives at the top of the page.